Monday, December 6, 2010

About me/4GET.

Hey peoples.

My name's Andrea (aun-dre-uh) and I'm 19. This blog is to let you guys get into some parts of my life and learn information about this group i'm in called "4GET.", and yes that is 4GET. with a period. 4GET. is pretty much 4 girls (Starrla, Christina, Melissa and myself) and we're a KPOP/Rock influenced band. I pretty much heard about this group froming back in June when I saw an ad that Starrla posted saying that she was looking for girls around  the Philadelphia area who wanted to be in a different kind of girl group. We're not one of those typical girl groups where there's 5 girls and one of them is the leader or something like prancing around singing meaningless songs. We're not like that, you see our songs will have meaning and will make people think. Stay tuned for more blogs!

- Andrea